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A Rose by any Other Name
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The Rock 'n Rose Spring Tour 2013: help me bring my book, "A Rose by any Other Name: An Alphabet of Tales about a Man and a Woman" to the people. Short Summary I woke up one crisp October morning with a story in my head. This isn't terribly out of the ordinary, but the form that it was in was totally different. With a film background (grad of NYU Film School) all the works of fiction that I created were for the screen. But this was a short story and it flowed out onto the page and I thought little about it until another story burst free, nearly fully formed, and demanded space on a page. Before none too long, a theme had developed and I wrote the twenty-six tales that became my first book, "A Rose by any Other Name" although it took me a number of years to finally push this puppy out of the nest. The book was released in April 2012, but immediately after that my time was demanded toward a greater goal of assisting a dear friend who had been diagnosed with a terrible disease and while I have been able through direct sales, Amazon and Kindle to put my stories in front of some sets of eyes, I hadn't had the opportunity to really present the book to the world. With your help, I would like very much to be able to begin to do that this Winter. What We Need & What You Get I am looking to raise $3500.00 to help with the above stated goal. What I would like to do is to be able to afford to send copies of the book in to publications and websites for review in an attempt to spread the book beyond my own wingspan. Additionally and perhaps even more importantly, I would like to be able to take the book and myself on the road and present it to the public in personal appearance and readings/signings in some of the cities in which the tales take place: Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York first and foremost. The advantages of first bringing "Rose" to those cities in which I have lived is that hopefully I have something of a built-in audience of friendly faces. But from a practical stand point, I will be able to keep the costs of the mini book tour minimal as I will have places to stay and venues at which I can perform. But hopefully visits to those cities will permit me to be able to add more: Boise, Austin, Seattle, Tel Aviv? You're all on the list. The funds would go to airfare but also for publicity to make those appearances worth while. The money would also permit me finally to purchase and submit copies of the book for review and PR purposes. Perks of contribution will include: * grateful acknowledgement in future print and electronic editions of "Rose" * inscribed copies of "Rose" * original, hand-written versions of the tales in "Rose" * original, signed art-work by Meital from the publication of the tales in the Jerusalem Post Lite * your name as a character in my upcoming work * the grand prize: a lifelong promise that I will never use your name in any of my upcoming work. The Impact The world of self-publishing really is fantastic. Unlike my experiences in the world of film where there are so many cooks are in the kitchen, I was able to put "Rose" out into the world - warts 'n all - as I saw fit and in the manner of my own choosing. That said, getting the book into the hands of other people has been the ongoing challenge. Other Ways You Can Help I know we get asked to contribute to campaigns such as this all the time and I am fully conscious of that fact. If you can help - great! I really appreciate it. If you cannot - great! I understand that fully as well, but if you could share this with friends who may wish to assist, I would really appreciate your help. If you would like to read some of the tales for free, go here: http://www.wattpad.com/user/BrianMazo You can purchase a copy here: https://www.createspace.com/3527985 Thanks for either "coughing" or "squealing" ... or just scroll on to the next campaign. I sure do appreciate your help. Brian

For shorter news: BrianMazoDoesNotBlogAt.Blogspot.Com
This has essentially been my hardly strictly Yankee baseball blog, but now that I will be writing weekly articles starting this Sunday for Bronx Baseball Daily, I will start to spread the wings to more of the other stuff I have threatened to write about on there. Check it out...
For even shorter news:
The Twitter account, though will remain strictly those messages channeled from the ghost of late Yankee owner, George M. Steinbrenner. He may be dead, but that doesn't mean he has to take crap from anyone -- and especially not you or me for that matter.
Thanks for your time. Drop me a line if you have nothing to say...
(new author photo courtesy of Annaliese Moyer)

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